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Bylaws, Codes, Policies and Internal Regulations

Code of conduct
Nomination Policy for the Members of the Board of Directors and Fiscal Council, Evaluation Committees and Board of Executive Officers

Click here to access our Nomination Policy for the Members of the Board of Directors and Fiscal Council, Evaluation Committees and Board of Executive Officers

Corporate Integrity Policy

Click here to access our Corporate Integrity Policy (Only in Portuguese).


Click here to access other Integrity Policies (Anti-Corruption, PMLTF, Conflict of Interest and others).

Remuneration Policy for the Members of the Board of Directors and Fiscal Council, Evaluation Committees and Board of Executive Officers

Click here to access our Remuneration Policy for the Members of the Board of Directors and Fiscal Council, Evaluation Committees and Board of Executive Officers (Only Portuguese)

Sustainability Policy

Click here to access our Sustainability Policy (Only in Portuguese).

M&A Policy, Corporate Restructuring and Investments

Click here to access our M&A Policy, Corporate Restructuring and Investments (Only Portuguese)

Policy for Hiring Extra Audit Services

Click here to access our Policy for Hiring Extra Audit Services (Only Portuguese)

Related Party Transactions Policy

Click here to access our Related Party Transactions Policy (Only Portuguese)

Donations and Sponsorship Policy

Click here to access our Donations and Sponsorship Policy (Only Portuguese)

Risk Management Policy

Click here to access our Risk Management Policy (Only Portuguese)

Profit Allocation Policy

Click here to access our Profit Allocation Policy (Only Portuguese)

Disclosure Policy

Click here to access our Disclosure Policy (Only Portuguese)

Privacy Policy

Click here to access our Privacy Policy (Only Portuguese)

Quality Policy

Click here to access our Quality Policy (Only Portuguese)

Securities Trading Policy

Click here to access our Securities Trading Policy (Only Portuguese).

Internal Audit Policy

Click here to access our Internal Audit Policy (Only Portuguese).

Environmental Management Policy

Click here to access our Environmental Management Policy (Only Portuguese).

Audit Committee's Internal Rules

Click here to access our Audit Committee’s Internal Rules (Portuguese Only).

Sustainability Policy
Click here to access our Sustainability Policy(Portuguese Only).
Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors

Click here to access our Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors (Portuguese Only).

Internal Regulations of the Statutory Audit Committee

Click here to access our Internal Regulations of the Statutory Audit Committee (Portuguese Only).

Internal Regulation of the Governance and Social and Environmental Sustainability Committee

Click here to access our Internal Regulation of the Social and Environmental Governance and Sustainability Committee (Portuguese Only).

Internal Regulations of the People and Organizational Development Committee

Click here to access our Internal Regulations for the People and Organizational Development Committee (Portuguese Only).

Internal Regulations of the Strategy, Innovation and Investments Committee

Click here to access our Internal Regulations of the Strategy, Innovation and Investments Committee (Only Portuguese)

Internal Regulations of the Statutory Board

Click here to access our Internal Regulations of the Statutory Board (Portuguese Only).