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In line with the best Corporate Governance practices and to support management decisions, Cyrela has a People and Organizational Development Committee, a Governance and Social-environmental Sustainability Committee, an Audit, Finance and Risk Committee and various Commissions.


Definition of Committee:  an advisory body that provides the Company’s Board of Directors with contents and analyses to help it make decisions

 Internal Regulations of the Statutory Audit Committee  (the “Committee”) is a collegiate body, of permanent functioning, directly linked to the Board of Directors and, observing its competencies foreseen in these Regulations, its purpose is to advise it (i) in the monitoring and operationalization of the internal and external audit processes; (ii) in the monitoring and control of the mechanisms and internal controls related to risk management; and (iii) in the monitoring of the consistency of the Company’s policies, including financial policies, with the strategic guidelines and the business risk profile. To access the internal regulations, click here.

Members: João Cesar de Queiroz Tourinho (Coordinator), Rosangela dos Santos and Rafael Novellino.


The People and Organizational Development Committee (the “Committee”) is a support body to the Board of Directors (the “Board”) and aims to support the Board in decision-making regarding resource strategies, policies and rules human resources and make sure that they are being correctly applied, with regard to: i) organizational development; ii) people planning and development; iii) remuneration and benefits. The committee also supports the Board in monitoring and directing issues related to the area of ​​Management and Governance Systems. The People Committee has its own internal regulations. To access the bylaws, click here.

Members: Rogério Frota Melzi (Coordinator), Rafael Novellino and Celso Antonio Alves


The Social and Environmental Governance and Sustainability Committee is a support body for the Board of Directors (the “Board”) and aims to (i) support the Board in decision-making related to the pursuit and adoption of the most developed practices of corporate governance, and in this way, contribute to their decisions resulting in the best result for the company and its related parties; and (ii) and serve as a resource for management in establishing a culture and implementing means that enable the creation of sustainable value for the company and its related parties. The Social and Environmental Governance and Sustainability Committee has its own internal regulations. To access the bylaws, click here.

Members: Marcela Dutra Drigo (Coordinator), Aron Zylberman and Fernando Goldsztein



The Strategy, Innovation and Investments Committee is a support body to the Board of Directors (“Board”) and aims to issue recommendations on investments and/or equity acquisitions in new partnerships and companies of the Group, evaluate the current market searching for business opportunities, evaluate potential investments in new technologies or ongoing projects and advise on the Cyrela Group’s digital transformation and innovation process. The Strategy, Innovation and Investments Committee has its own internal regulations. To access the bylaws, click here.

Members: Ricardo Cunha Sales (Coordinator), Marcela Dutra Drigo and Jonathan Aryen Horn.



Definition of Commission:  an advisory body that provides the Company’s Executive Board with contents and analyses to help it make decisions

The People Committee and the People Commission are different bodies in that the former follows a more strategic approach and makes broader decisions whereas the latter focuses more closely on the Company’s operations and makes day-to-day decisions related to assistants, apprentices, coordinators, etc.

Cyrela has several other Commissions, as seen below:

  • Business Commission;
  • Landbank Commission;
  • Communications Commission;
  • Tax Commission;
  • Ethics Commission;
  • Credit, Collection and Transfer Commission;
  • Engineering Commission;
  • Financial Commission;
  • Launches Commission;
  • Structured Operations Commission;
  • among others.